NEID Master Files


The NEID Data Reduction Pipeline relies on a set of Master files, which contain various static definitions and long term calibration files that are used during pipeline runs. These files are maintained in the git repository .

Each entry below contains a brief description of the purpose of the master file, followed by the name and version number of the currently used file(s).

Note: The NEID spectrograph restart that was necessitated by the Contreras Fire required that many of the master files be rebuilt from newly obtained calibration sequences. The DRP has been modified to use these files in a TimeDependent mode, whereby the each master file is associated with a time window over which it is valid, and the DPR automatically chooses the correct set of files for the data frame being processed. File names in the documentation below represent the original set of files used. Subsequent TimeDependent files have updated date codes that correspond to when the data frames used to build the file were obtained, not necessarily the window over which that file is valid (i.e., Some master files are used for calibrating files obtained before the underlying calibrations were obtained

Master File Definitions

Target Information

  • Star Database File: The star database file maintains a live record of all stellar targets processed by the NEID-DRP. For each target, the positional coordinates (Epoch, Equinox, RA, DEC, Proper Motion, Parallax, Systemic velocity, redshift) and stellar coordinates (Spectral Type, Teff, CCF Mask) are recorded. These values are initially taken from the Q keywords provided by program PIs, and the star file is automatically updated with new targets each time the pipeline is run on new data. Existing targets are not updated, even if the Q data accompanying them differs from the database record. This database serves as the source for all coordinate and stellar parameters used in the pipeline, and ensure that observations of any given star are analyzed identically across epochs. Level2 files have their Q parameters updated to reflect the values in the database and which were used in calculating the barycentric correction and radial velocities. Errors in this database can be corrected by hand, and will be utilized in subsequent pipeline reprocessing of data.

    • neidMaster_StarDB_v000.config

Detector Information

  • Bad Pixel Mask: 2D image indicating location of known bad pixels.

    • neidMaster_BadPixelMask20210430.fits

Calibration Frame Validation

  • Illumination Check Thresholds: Text file containing thresholds used for testing whether calibration frames are within expected flux levels.

    • neidMaster_CalibrationChecker20210219.txt

Flat Fielding and Scattered Light

  • 2D Flat Template: 2D flat lamp illumination pattern template used for normalization of 2D flats. The epoch of this flat fixes our relative chromatic QE variation corrections.

    • neidMaster_illumination20210406.fits

  • 2DScatter Templates: There are 2D high S/N ratio templates of bright light sources in one fiber at a time. They are used for scaling and subtracting the scattered light from these sources while espoused simultaneously with other sources. These files also have corresponding pixel mask files which labels the pixels to use for scaling calculation.

    • neidMaster_HESci_2DScatter_FlatBB_20210515_mask.fits

    • neidMaster_HESci_2DScatter_LDLS_20210515_mask.fits

    • neidMaster_HESky_2DScatter_FlatBB_20210515_mask.fits

    • neidMaster_HESky_2DScatter_LDLS_20210515_mask.fits

    • neidMaster_HRCal_2DScatter_Etalon_20210126.fits

    • neidMaster_HRCal_2DScatter_Etalon_20210126_mask.fits

    • neidMaster_HRCal_2DScatter_EtalonSP_20210507.fits

    • neidMaster_HRCal_2DScatter_EtalonSP_20210507_mask.fits

    • neidMaster_HRCal_2DScatter_FlatBB_20210213.fits

    • neidMaster_HRCal_2DScatter_FlatBB_20210213_mask.fits

    • neidMaster_HRCal_2DScatter_LDLS_20210213.fits

    • neidMaster_HRCal_2DScatter_LDLS_20210213_mask.fits

    • neidMaster_HRSci_2DScatter_Etalon_20210313.fits

    • neidMaster_HRSci_2DScatter_Etalon_20210313_mask.fits

    • neidMaster_HRSci_2DScatter_FlatBB_20210213.fits

    • neidMaster_HRSci_2DScatter_FlatBB_20210213_mask.fits

    • neidMaster_HRSci_2DScatter_LDLS_20210213.fits

    • neidMaster_HRSci_2DScatter_LDLS_20210213_mask.fits

    • neidMaster_HRSci_2DScatter_Star_20201222.fits

    • neidMaster_HRSci_2DScatter_Star_20201222_mask.fits

    • neidMaster_HRSci_2DScatter_Star_20210322.fits

    • neidMaster_HRSci_2DScatter_Star_20210322_mask.fits

    • neidMaster_HRSci_2DScatter_Sun_20210218.fits

    • neidMaster_HRSci_2DScatter_Sun_20210218_mask.fits

    • neidMaster_HRSky_2DScatter_FlatBB_20210213.fits

    • neidMaster_HRSky_2DScatter_FlatBB_20210213_mask.fits

    • neidMaster_HRSky_2DScatter_LDLS_20210213.fits

    • neidMaster_HRSky_2DScatter_LDLS_20210213_mask.fits

  • SmoothLampSED: These are the smooth templates of the continuum lamp spectrum. They are generated by Gaussian Process modelling of the sum extraction of the 2D Flat corrected continuum lamp spectrum.

    • neidMaster_HR_SmoothLampSED_20210322_v02.fits

    • neidMaster_HE_SmoothLampSED_20210322_v02.fits

Echellogram Definition

  • BeamTrace: These are the echelle order aperture beam traces used for extraction.

    • neidMaster_BeamTrace20201114HESci_v1.txt

    • neidMaster_BeamTrace20201114HESky_v1.txt

    • neidMaster_BeamTrace20201114HRCal_v1.txt

    • neidMaster_BeamTrace20201114HRSci_v1.txt

    • neidMaster_BeamTrace20201114HRSky_v1.txt

  • FiberMask: These are binary masks which masks the pixels along the aperture of each fiber on neid data. These are used for identifying pixels for scattered light modelling.

    • neidMaster_FiberMask20201114HESci_v1.fits

    • neidMaster_FiberMask20201114HESky_v1.fits

    • neidMaster_FiberMask20201114HRCal_v1.fits

    • neidMaster_FiberMask20201114HRSci_v1.fits

    • neidMaster_FiberMask20201114HRSky_v1.fits

  • Free Spectral Range Mask: Binary mask file which labels the free spectral range of each echelle order. This mask represents the as-built spectrograph and was measured from flat field data.

    • neidMaster_FSR_Mask20210331_v001.fits

    A csv file with the start and end of the FSR for each order can be found here. The columns are:

    • “order”: zero-indexed spectral order.

    • “fsr_start”: first pixel in the order within the FSR

    • “fsr_end”: last pixel in the order within the FSR

    Orders without a defined FSR have nan values for “fsr_start” and “fsr_end”.

LDLS Fringe Correction

  • LDLS Fringe Model: Template LDLS Fringe Model, which is well-modeled with a sinusoid function.

    • neidMaster_LDLSfringepattern_20210518.fits

Exposure Meter

  • Wavelength Solutions: The wavelength solution of the exposure meter traces

    • neidMaster_ExpMeterWavlSolutions_v1.fits

  • Optical Cross Talk: The Exposure meter optical cross talk coefficient matrix

    • neidMaster_OpticalCrossTalk_20201125_v1.fits

  • Average Bias: Bias of a typical exposure meter frame

    • neidMaster_AvgExpMeterBiasFullFrame_20210117_v1.fits

Wavelength Solution

  • Master wavelength calibration: These are based on a high-SNR spectrum of ThAr that spans the full NEID bandpass. It does not contain refinements based on the more information-rich LFC or FP sources, and so is known to have some systematics, particularly towards the extremes of spectral orders.

    • neidMaster_HR_Wavelength20210218_v003.fits

    • neidMaster_HE_Wavelength20210318_v001.fits

  • Master line lists for the LFC and the Etalon: These linelists locate the approximate positions (in pixels) for each mode of the LFC and Etalon sources. HE and HR modes have different files; the small offset between HR and HE fibers in the fiber head produces a small shift on the focal plane that must be accounted for.

    • neidMaster_LFCMode20201216_v001.npy

    • neidMaster_candidateHE_LFCModes20210331T005340_v002.npy

    • neidMaster_EtalonPeaks20201113_v001.npy

    • neidMaster_candidateHE_EtalonPeaks20210131T005337_v001.npy

  • Master set of precise LFC mode positions: These are used for measuring the drift of the instrument in shifting the ThAr wavelength calibration in the initial construction of the nightly (or daily) wavelength calibration.

    • neidMaster_LFCMode20201216_v001.npy

  • LFC mode positions at time of master wavelength calibration: These files have the approximate pixel positions for each LFC mode at the epoch of the ThAr-based master wavelength calibration (described above). This is used to measure a day or night’s zero-point drift relative to the master wavelength solution. There are separate files for HR and HE mode. New versions of this file are generated when a new master wavlength solution is made (such as pre and post fire).

    • neidMaster_peakinfos_lfc_combined_20210119_forThArHR_v002.npy

    • neidMaster_peakinfos_lfc_combined_20221214_forThArHR_v001.npy

    • neidMaster_peakinfos_lfc_combined_20210204_forThArHE_v001.npy

    • neidMaster_peakinfos_lfc_combined_20221205_forThArHE_v001.npy

  • LFC F0 offsets: A time log recording known jumps in the LFC, typically due being locked to the wrong mode of the seed comb. A one comb mode jump corresponds to 250 MHz.

    • neidMaster_LFC_f0_offsets.txt

  • Master template drift file: This traces the typical drift pattern of the instrument, which is dominated by loading from the daily LN2 fill.

    • neidMaster_DailyDriftTemplate_v0.1.fits

System Throughput

  • NEID + WIYN/Solar Telescope Instrument Response: HR and HE files for Sci and Sky fiber instrument response (throughput) derived by observing a CALSPEC flux standard in units of electrons per specific flux unit (erg/s/cm2/A).

    • neidMaster_InstrumentResponse_HR_20210323_v6.fits

    • neidMaster_InstrumentResponse_HE_20210323_v6.fits

    • neidMaster_SolarInstrumentResponse_HR_20210323_v6.fits

  • CCF Weights File: (neidMaster_CCFWeights[HR,Solar].config) Contains a static set of weights used for reweighting the CCFs. These were calculated by multiplying the system throughput by blackbody functions corresponding to the temperatures of each CCF mask.

    • neidMaster_CCFWeightsHR.config

    • neidMaster_CCFWeightsSolar.config

Telluric Modeling

  • Telluric Grid: Each telluric grid master file contains a 1-d array of telluric absorption values corresponding to each wavelength specificed in the master telluric grid wavelength file. The master telluric grid wavelength file is a 1-d array of wavelength values (angstrom). The telluric grid models are calculated at set points in zenith angle (degrees) and precipitable water vapor (mm). At each grid point there are two absorption models: one with the continuum telluric absorption and one with the line telluric absorption. The two types of absorption have been separated because only the line absorption is necessary for fitting the precipitable water vapor value of each on-sky science frame. The full telluric absorption model spectrum can be obtained by multiplying these two models together.

    • neidMaster_TelluricModel_ContinuumAbsorption_ZXXPWVYY_20230726_v001.npy (XX: zenith angle in degrees, YY: precipitable water value in mm)

    • neidMaster_TelluricModel_LineAbsorption_ZXXPWVYY_20230726_v001.npy (XX: zenith angle in degrees, YY: precipitable water value in mm)

    • neidMaster_TelluricModel_Wavelengths_20230726_v001.npy

  • Variable line spread function parameterization: (neidMaster_LSFParameterCoefficients20230824HR[Cal,Sci,Sky]_v1.txt) Contains information about the parameterization of the variable line spread function from order to order across the spectrum. The LSF is defined as a profile defined by N parameters (currently a top hat convolved gaussian, which is defined by a gaussian FWHM and the box width). This master file is in the form of the echelle order aperture beam trace files. For each order with a defined LSF profile, the master file contains polynomial coefficients to fits of the profile parameters as a function of dispersion pixel location. There is also a GLOBAL entry in the master file which contains information about the LSF profile parameterization. Currently only the HR Sci master file is being used.

    • neidMaster_LSFParameterCoefficients20230824HRCal_v1.txt

    • neidMaster_LSFParameterCoefficients20230824HRSci_v1.txt

    • neidMaster_LSFParameterCoefficients20230824HRSky_v1.txt

Last Updated: 2023-08-29, DMK