Installation & Requirements

Source Code Access

Access to the DRP repositories is provided via the NEID DRP Machine User; end users should request that their public ssh-rsa key be added to the machine user account. Developers should request direct write access from their github user account.

Requirements and Installation

The NEID-DRP is built and tested around python 3.9. Package dependency version are locked throughout (astropy==5.0.4, numpy==1.21.6, pandas=2.0.3, etc.). Functionality under different versions of python (including anaconda) is not guaranteed.

Users should install the pipeline in a custom virtual environment:

The pipeline is pip installable; all package dependency requirements are handled automatically by the scripts in each repository.

Starting in DRP v1.4.0, the versions for pip, setuptools, and wheel have been locked.

The PRVextract package utilizes the numpy fortran compiler. Consequently, numpy must be installed before attempting to install the DRP

python3 -m venv pyDRP
source ./pyDRP/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip==23.3.2 setuptools==68.2.2 wheel==0.41.3
pip3 install numpy==1.21.6
pip3 install -e git+ssh://

To install a different release, replace the v1.4.1 with the desired release

Developers should clone the individual repos to their local development environment, and install each package into a development virtual environment. Development and feature branches can then be directly tested by checking them out in the clones.

mkdir git
cd git
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
cd ..

python3 -m venv pyDRPdevelop
source ./pyDRP/bin/activate
pip3 install --upgrade pip wheel setuptools
pip3 install -e ../git/PRVcommon
pip3 install -e ../git/PRVccd
pip3 install -e ../git/PRVextract
pip3 install -e ../git/PRVwavecal
pip3 install -e ../git/PRVccf
pip3 install --no-deps -e ../git/NEID-DRP

Last Updated: 2025-02-18, DMK